برنامج الحماية افيرا Avira Internet Security/AntiVir Premium 2014 Full Key Till 2015 Free Download
نبذة عن البرنامج :
** يعتبر برنامج افيرا من أشهر برامج مكافحة الفيروسات بمختلف أنواعها , لا يستخدم مساحة كبيرة من الهارد ديسك أو الرامات لذلك يعتبر من البرامج التى لا تؤثرعلى سرعة الجهاز اثناء عملها , يعمل البرنامج على حماية بريدك الإلكترونى وتصفحك للإنترنت والأجهزة الملحقة وغير ذلك
Avira Internet Security/AntiVir Premium 2014 Full Key Till 2015 Free Download
Avira provides comprehensive protection with important security and configuration functions and protects you against viruses, worms, Trojans, ad/spyware, dialers, bots and dangerous ''drive-by'' downloads. Avira's advantages include low system resource usage, user-friendly central configuration, scanner (On-Demand Scan) with profile-controlled and configurable search for all known types of malware, guard (On-Access Scan) for continuous monitoring of all file access attempts, MailGuard (POP3- and SMTP-Scanner) for the permanent checking of emails for viruses and malware, exclusive download server for faster updates, user-defined update intervals, Phishing and Rootkit Protection and an integrated failsafe security system.
some key features of "Avira Internet Security":
- AntiVir stops all types of viruses
- AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware
- AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising
- AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats
- AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing
- AntiBot prevents dangerous bot networks
- EmailScannerEnhanced email protection
- WebGuard protection against malicious websites
- RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD
- BackupSystem configurable data backup solution
- AntiSpam filters out unwanted emails
- FireWall protection against hackers
- GameMode uninterrupted game play
- QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button
- NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution
- ParentalControl block websites unsuitable for children
لتحميل برنامج
Avira Antivirus Suite 2014
لتحميل برنامج
Avira Internet Security 2014
** المفتاح مرفق مع كل برنامج مفعل حتى 2015
** نرجو التعليق وكتابة طلباتكم
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